Test Your Water Quality: Everything You Need To Know

Water is the lifeblood of all ecosystems because it contains and provides precious metals, nutrients, and other necessities of life. Without clean water and clean water, the ecosystem cannot survive, so it is not surprising that contaminated and unhealthy water sources have infected millions of people around the world. To make sure the faucet in your home provides the cleanest water you and your family can drink, you can submit it to a series of water quality tests.

If the tap water shows signs of contamination, such as discoloration, bad smell, or unusual taste, you should test the quality. The water quality tests are carried out in a specialized laboratory. Most Water Filter Companies will provide water quality testing services to those who are concerned about their water supply at the lowest cost. There are three types of tests you can do to help isolate the contaminants and give you a better idea of how to purify the water.


The last thing you want to get in your body when you take a sip of fresh water is a strain of harmful bacteria. Stagnant water can promote bacterial growth and cause serious infections to anyone who drinks it. The bacterial water quality test will examine any bacteria that may cause the disease so you can begin a treatment plan to get rid of it.


It is assumed that water contains a certain amount of minerals and nutrients, but it can be very harmful. The metal test will show if the water contains any defect in the metal that could be harmful to your health or to the health of the appliances that use water. Once you discover the imbalance, it will be much easier to start a treatment plan that will adjust the percentages of minerals and restore your tap water in perfect nutritional harmony.

Chemical products:

Our modern world uses pesticides and other chemicals to treat crops and cleanse our society, but these chemicals can often be harmful to our bodies if they are ingested with drinking water. The chemical water quality test will show you if these harmful chemicals can seep into the soil and your water source.

Water quality test kits

There are two main types of water quality test kits: the water dropper test kit and the test strip test instruments. These tools will help you determine the pH levels in the water and also tell you what is in them.

Water dropper test kit:

The test kit uses dropper dripper and specific reagents. You must isolate the sample from your water supply in a clear glass container or petri dish and use the dropper to place the detector in the sample. If the detector converts the sample to a different color, it indicates that the material you are looking for is present in the water sample.

Test Strips:

There are many types of water quality test kits in the testing sector; each focused on a particular substance. All you need to do to use the test strip kit is to buy a bar that looks for metal or chemical that worries you and shows the tape of your water source. If the material you are looking for is in the sample of water you are providing, the color of the ribbon will change.

Discover why water quality tests are important

Regular water quality tests are essential for anyone who does not use water in the city. Even those who use treated water in the municipality should also undergo a water quality test regularly.

Any number of factors can affect the quality of your water, including industrial waste, runoff from the farm, oil and gas pollution, or even your disposal (or neighborhood) of harmful chemicals and wastes.

If you live in an old house, you may have lead pipes in your home, or water pipes may contain the lead city. If you have any advantage in the water, it is necessary to remove it because the lead will lead to serious brain damage in children and adults. While a regular water quality test is recommended, keep in mind that nothing can be tested in water.

In addition to thousands of chemicals, there are also heavy metals such as lead and mercury, as well as bacteria and microorganisms in the water as well. If your city or city treats chlorinated water, as most of them do, you need to filter it. Chlorine ingestion or prolonged exposure to breast, rectum, and bladder cancer has been linked. Not to mention that the tastes and smells are terrible.

Chlorine is an extremely effective way to disinfect water and kill bacteria and microorganisms in water, but it must be removed before drinking or bathing in it or inhaling steam or mist.

The most effective and efficient way to eliminate these chemicals and toxins and protect yourself and your family is to install an adequate system for water purification. A filter that contains a carbon filter, filter provides no micron, multi-media block, and the exchange of maximum protection from chemicals, minerals, bacteria, and ions toxins.…

Importance of Water Quality in Agriculture

In the vast landscape of agriculture, where factors like soil health, crop varieties, and weather patterns often take center stage, the significance of water quality should not be underestimated. Let’s dive into the pivotal role that water quality plays in optimizing agricultural outcomes.

1. Nutrient Delivery and Absorption

Water serves as a carrier for essential nutrients that plants need for growth. The quality of water determines not only the presence of these nutrients but also their availability to plants. Poor water quality can hinder the absorption of vital elements, leading to nutrient deficiencies and compromised crop health.

2. Soil Structure and Erosion Control

Water quality influences soil structure and erosion. Contaminants in water can contribute to soil degradation, affecting its ability to retain water and nutrients. Proper water quality management is, therefore, integral to preserving soil health, reducing erosion, and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices.

3. Impact on Irrigation Systems

For many farmers, irrigation is a lifeline, especially in regions with erratic rainfall. Poor water quality can clog irrigation systems with sediments and mineral deposits, reducing their efficiency and necessitating costly repairs. Maintaining high water quality not only ensures smooth irrigation but also extends the life of critical agricultural infrastructure.

4. Disease Prevention

Contaminated water can be a breeding ground for plant pathogens. The importance of water quality in disease prevention cannot be overstated. By using clean water for irrigation, farmers can significantly reduce the risk of introducing harmful pathogens to their fields, safeguarding crops from diseases that can devastate entire harvests.

5. Impact on Crop Yield and Quality

Water quality is a direct determinant of crop yield and quality. Clean, nutrient-rich water contributes to robust plant growth, higher yields, and better-quality produce. It’s not just about quantity but also about the market value of crops, making water quality a key factor in the economic success of agricultural endeavors.

Ensuring water quality in agriculture requires a holistic approach, combining laboratory water testing, sustainable water management practices, and adherence to environmental regulations. By prioritizing water quality, farmers can unlock the full potential of their agricultural endeavors, promoting long-term sustainability and resilience in the face of evolving challenges.…

How Does the Good Quality of Water Impact Good Health?

As one of Earth’s most precious natural resources, water is a fundamental element of life (be it in human, animal, or plant form.) It is also part of our bodies: we are made up of 70% water. Drinking water is essential to our survival — in fact, humans can live up to 21 days with no food, but up to two months just by drinking water! Humans have also equated good health to drinking good quality water because of the many benefits and nutrients we get from it. However, water is a finite resource and only a small portion is safe to drink, so without monitoring systems in place, poor and contaminated water quality will only lead to a rise in health conditions and environmental hazards for the public and the planet. 

So, what makes the water quality good?

Good water quality is determined by its “lack of impurities,” that is, lack of contaminants. Water pollution can occur when physical or chemical contaminants enter the water source, thus becoming a potential risk for human health and even transmitting several dangerous diseases. Water that has little to no pollution (since contaminants in small amounts pose no threat to our health) is considered to be of good quality and rendered safe to drink. It can even be beneficial to our health too.  

What are the benefits of drinking good quality water?

Drinking water is already important for our health, but good quality water can have an even greater impact. Water prevents the body from dehydrating, which can have both mental and physical consequences. Drinking water also improves our skin condition, enhances physical performance and brain functionand gives us more energywhile at the same time flushing out toxins and bacteria through the bladder. It also helps in dealing with hangovers and headaches, as well as depression and productivity. Additionally, water contains various nutrients known as electrolytes, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, that help with several body functions. 

How does water get contaminated?

There are several sources of water pollution. Contaminants can enter the water supply at any given time, be it directly into the water source, at facility treatment plants, or the distribution systems. Humans play a large role in it too, as it is mainly their interference that can affect the natural composition of water at any moment during the treatment process, which leads to water contamination.  

Other sources of pollution can be waste discharged directly into the water supply coming from factories, sewage overflows, and runoffs from farmlands and cities. Airborne emissions, like smoke and fog, can also contaminate water sources.  

What are the main water contaminants?

Water Contaminents

The main water contaminants can either be chemical, physical, biological, or radiological.  

Chemical pollutants can occur naturally or are caused by men; they can be pesticides, metals, nitrogen, bleach, and salts, among others. On the other hand, physical contaminants result from rock or soil sediments or suspended material in rivers, streams, and lakes. Biological contaminants are the bacteria, viruses, or parasites present in the water supply. Lastly, radiological pollution can occur due to chemicals with an unstable nature that can emit ionizing radiation, such as plutonium and uranium. Other chemicals, such as lead, can leak into the water supply when plumbing materials such as pipes and tubes get corroded or cracked. 

Also, in some parts of the world, there are insects that live or breed in open containers or pools of dirty water, through which they carry and transmit potentially deadly diseases.  


What are the consequences of poor water quality?

Drinking poor water quality can lead to the transmission of any disease such as cholera, diarrhea, dengue, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. Mismanagement or inappropriate treatment of the urban, industrial, or agricultural water supply can affect the public’s quality of life as it exposes them to dangerous health risks. Plants and the animal kingdom can also see themselves affected by contaminated water as they need this resource as much as humans to survive. 

Plants or animals that drank contaminated water can also have an indirect impact on people’s lives as we depend greatly on them as a source of food and nourishment. 

How can we prevent poor water quality?

Countries and environmental organizations have developed systems that are responsible for monitoring water quality. Each system uses predetermined water quality standards to ensure that the water is safe for public consumption. In the United States, the regulatory agency is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which sets the national drinking water standards on over 90 contaminants. In accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the EPA allows the different states’ health departments to establish and comply with water guidelines, while always keeping in line with the national standard. 

On an international level, the United Nations has developed a program called the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are a series of targets that aim to create a more sustainable future. The sixth Goal, “Clean water and sanitation”, is about the need for universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, as most health issues occur due to inadequate access to clean water and from chemical contaminants. 


Conclusion About How Good Quality of Water Impact Good Health

Good quality water means that it is not only safe for public consumption but also good for our health, as well as that of animals and plants, as it provides irreplaceable nutrients and benefits needed to surviveOn the other hand, poorly treated water, filled with contaminants, leads to sickness and diseaseTherefore, it is imperative that we keep monitoring our water sources and we continue implementing systems and programs that protect our planet’s natural resourcesEnvironmental agencies and organizations, both on state and national levels, play a large

How Water Quality Affects Human Health

In previous blogs, we’ve talked about the importance of water quality for the survival of crucial ecosystems. This time, we wanted to spotlight the ways in which water quality impacts human health and, perhaps more importantly, the dangers of pollution.

After all, we make up a part of those ecosystems which we often find too easy to sweep under the rug. Without the continued health of our environments and life forms, things can get pretty difficult for us humans who rely on these environments.

First, let’s look at the key causes of water pollution to understand what, in turn, can impact human health.

Causes of water pollution

Water pollution that impacts human health can be caused by both unnatural (man-made) and natural means.

Man-made pollution is caused by:

  • Sewage & waste disposal (including animal waste)
  • Agricultural runoff
  • Urban runoff
  • Fuel & chemical spillages
  • Plastic waste
  • Radioactive waste

These pollutants can contaminate water directly or by seeping into groundwater through soil, eventually making its way to bodies of water.

As for natural causes, naturally-occuring algae and pathogens can cause health issues — but it’s worth keeping in mind that the presence of toxic algae can actually be a result of man-made contaminants.

Illnesses caused by water pollution

If we want to know the impacts of water pollution on human health, we unfortunately needn’t look very far. Around the world, we see a long list of water-related diseases and illnesses, including:

  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid
  • Polio
  • Parasitic illnesses like schistosomiasis

Head to the Environmental Pollution Centers for a more comprehensive list.

The illnesses caused by water pollution can of course vary in severity. Most commonly, contaminated water can cause rashes, earaches, eye infections, and diarrhoea. Even then, though, the severity of illness is dependent upon the local healthcare system and infrastructure (like availability of clean water to wash hands and replenish lost body fluids with).

According to WHO, an estimated 829,000 people die each year from diarrhoea as a result of unsafe drinking-water.

In the UK, we are lucky enough to have a healthcare system that means very few people die as a result of diarrhoea or related complications. Over the last few years, the frequency of gastrointestinal issues like gastroenteritis has increased due to the discharge of sewage into the sea. If we aren’t careful, such instances could become the norm.

Socioeconomic impacts

As we touched on above, there are socioeconomic factors that impact the severity of water-related illnesses. In fact, if safe drinking water and sanitation services were available across the world, the deaths of an estimated 297,000 children aged under 5 years could be avoided each year.

An inexcusable proportion of illnesses caused by water quality occur in low-income countries and communities, which then serves to keep the poor in poverty.

When people have to travel many miles a day just to reach a clean(er) water source, their time is taken up by survival – and they aren’t granted the ability to thrive. How can one be productive when finding clean water is a matter of life and death?

These journeys themselves have effects on the health of the people undertaking them – because of musculoskeletal risks or dehydration from the journey itself.

The illnesses can impact us both directly and indirectly:

  • Directly — via ingestion or bathing in polluted waters
  • Indirectly — via consumption of foodstuffs that use contaminated water or eating fish/animals that feed on the water

Fish are a particular hazard when it comes to ingesting pollutants as some chemicals ‘bioaccumulate’ inside of them. When us humans eat them – or, indeed, animals that eat the fish – we can unwittingly consume those chemicals.

Antimicrobial resistance

In the long term, water pollution with antibiotics increases the presence of ‘resistance genes’.

The United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme found that 34.8 billion daily doses of antibiotics were consumed in 2015. Of those, up to 90% were excreted into the environment as active substances.

At the same time, antibiotic-resistant infections are increasing. Read about how water pollution could spark another pandemic here.

How does water quality affect human health?

A jug pours fresh, clean water into a clear glass in front of a blurred green background.

As we’ve seen, poor water quality can have significant negative effects for us humans. But what about when water is as it should be?

Healthy water contains minerals such as:

  • Calcium & magnesium – for good bone development
  • Chlorine – for our digestive process
  • Copper – improves the function of enzymes in blood and muscles
  • Iron – supports blood and muscle tissues
  • Potassium – aids myocardium activities, water retention, and more
  • Sodium – a key component of blood plasma and essential for energy
  • And more.

Healthy, clean water = healthy, clean humans. It’s all the more obvious, then, why water pollution should be tackled with urgency.…

3 Big Reasons Why Your Water Quality is Important

Many people don’t think twice when they flip on the tap, fill up a glass of water and take a drink. They only really notice the quality of their water when they travel, or if they drink better water from a filtration system somewhere outside of their home. Then, suddenly, they start to notice everything about their water.

If you’ve recently had this experience, you’re likely thinking a lot about the quality of your water. If it tastes metallic when you drink it, what else is it doing that you are not thinking about? These are great questions to ask, and you might not like the answers you get—especially if your home has unfiltered municipal water.

The fact is, water quality is extremely important for so many reasons. Here’s a look at the three biggest reasons, and all the ways they affect our daily lives.

1. Essential for Health and Wellness

The most important aspect of water quality is the impact on our health and wellness. This has broad, wide-ranging implications for both short- and long-term wellbeing. Using water filtration methods, reduces the presence of 55 of the most common Volatile Organic Compounds without removing the essential minerals present in drinking water. This means that every glass of water you have can not only taste great, but be great for your health.

Here’s a look at some of the reasons why your water quality is important for health, inside and out:

  • Unfiltered water may contain bacteria like giardia intestinalis, norovirus and shigella
  • Contaminated groundwater can contain poisons like arsenic and mercury
  • Municipal water can in some cases contain lead, which can cause neurological problems
  • Removing chemicals such as chlorine from your water has numerous health benefits, from making your skin feel softer to reducing the presence of airborne chlorine which can be damaging for your lungs
  • Pharmaceuticals in the water supply can cause hormonal imbalances
  • Waterborne viruses and cysts can lead to dangerous infections
  • When combined with Aquatomic systems, the overall bioavailability of your water is improved, allowing for more complete hydration

2. Take Out the Bad, Leave in the Good

Many water filters and water softeners on the market today work by removing almost everything from your drinking water, leaving you with a tap water that is similar in nature to distilled water. Unfortunately, this kind of water isn’t ideal drinking water, as it doesn’t provide the minerals that the body needs, specifically magnesium and calcium.

Being without these minerals can lead to a decrease in your body’s metabolic function, as well as increase in urination, which can result in increased loss of electrolytes. This, combined with the electrolytes lost through sweat, can result in a deficit for your body. Over time, this can have a detrimental effect on your health. In the absolute worst-case scenarios, this can result in serious health issues, like acidosis

3. Important for the Environment and Sustainability

Poor water quality has several big-time effects on environment. The first and biggest comes from the waste generated by water bottles. If you can’t trust your tap water and turn to bottled water, it generates millions of tons of plastic waste each year. This waste is easily avoided by making an investment in point-of-use water filtration, or even a whole-house water filtration system.

The second aspect of environmental sustainability is the perpetuation of poor water quality. Every drop of unfiltered water that leaves your home goes back into a system that’s not efficiently treating it. The cycle continues. But, if you have a filtration system, you have the potential to contribute less to that system by sending filtered water down the drain instead.

Should You Have Your Water Quality Tested?

Absolutely. Every person, no matter where you live, should at least know what’s in their water. The more you know, the more you can do to protect yourself—or the more confidence you’ll have in your taps when the report comes back clean.…

Things To Consider Before Buying A Water Purifier

Water Filter Buying Guide

Water is essential for life. But the quality of water that we consume every day is becoming dangerous for our health. To improve the quality of water for daily use, it is now mandatory to install water filters in our home. But people tend to make mistakes while buying a water filters in various aspects including purpose, flow rate and capacity.

Every filter works best on its own, but it is not necessary that it works best for your requirements too. Before buying a water filter you should go through a thorough analysis and research to get the best solution for your water filtration needs.

Water Filter Buying Guide: Things to Consider Before Buying Water Purifier

Test water quality of your supply

What type of source do you use for your daily usage? Most of the filtration requirements are defined by the source of water you use. The very first thing to do is test quality of water that is supplied to you. There are easy to use checkup kits available or you can even call an expert to do the job. You need to install a water filter only if your water source is contaminated. There are mainly two types of water sources:

Private or individual

Private source includes bottled water, spring water, and water from ponds, shallow wells, streams, ponds and river canals. Private sources also include individually created sources like rainwater harvesting, residential bores, cisterns.


The United States safe drinking water act identifies public sources as the ones provided by public entities like local government supply, ration water tanks and city water systems.

If you get water from a private source like well and bottled water, then you can eliminate contamination from the source itself. But rivers, ponds, streams require a lot of expense and time to be cleaned. Natural private sources are not reliable in terms of quality. So, a water filter is required.

In case of public water sources, you can file a complaint against the water contamination and quality to the local authorities which may not be effective readily. If the water from a public source is contaminated, you need to get a water filter installed fit for your needs.

Check your home water system

If the water report and tests do not show any hazardous contamination in your water supply, then the problem may be in your house water system. Check for leakage in all faucets and pipelines going around your house. Make sure that the surroundings of your house are clean and there is no clogged drainage around your supply line. Metal water pipes slowly accumulate rust and other organic contaminants due to moisture. The pipes throughout the house should be cleaned quarterly to prevent organic growth and rust.

Understand your needs

Water filters eliminate only the specific contaminants that they mention in their labels. Be aware of what kind of contamination prevails in your water supply. Check the list of contaminants the water filter you want to buy eliminates. Analyze your daily consumption of water based on purpose like drinking, washing, bathing and cooking. If you need water purification for all your needs, whole house filters with Point of Entry system are the right fit. If the water purification is required only for drinking or bathing purpose, then point of use filters like RO filtersunder sink filters and countertop water filters.

Explore the categories

With advancement in water filtration technology, there are many processes available today to purify water. There are many categories of water filters based on performance, durability, maintenance and cost which fit all types of water filtration solutions ranging from personal home to a commercial industry.

Maintenance cost

The maintenance cost of all filter categories varies highly. While many filters may come cheap in cost, the maintenance like replacement of cartridges and hoses is costly. So get detailed maintenance and repair costs of your water filter from the company before buying them.

Water filters are not a one-time investment. They need regular maintenance depending on the quality of the cartridges. Many companies provide features like quality index and security alarms for cartridges replacement which are beneficial. If the filters are regularly maintained the quality of water deteriorates, hoses may choke and power consumption increases.

Beware of scams

Do water filters actually work? Are you going to be scammed with an overrated device with false promises? Is doorstep water test trustable?

In case of any health related product, you should be aware of the scams that go around to stay alert and prevent getting scammed yourself. It highly depends on the company that you buy the water filter from. There are many companies that provide water filters at very low costs. They are mostly fake or ineffective. Water filtration is not a cheap process and any person who sells them at unbelievably low price is probably scamming you.

In recent news, many water filter scams have come into lime light. The worst of all was the door step sales and service scam to test your water quality and provide fake water filters. While there are many reputed companies that provide door step sales and service feature, they do not approach you without your solicitation.

Do you think that your water filter throws out more water than it purifies?

Then, you may be a victim of another scam. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) does not allow more than 30% of water to seep out from waste hose. But due to this scam being neglected, almost 3 liters of water seeps out to provide 1 liter of pure water.

Buy only certified water filters

The reviews not only help in finding a water filter company that is legitimate, they also help you find the right one for your requirements. Customer feedback is one of the best ways to find a good water filter company both for the product quality and performance and the post sales services and warranty.

You can also compare the price of …

10 Benefits Showing Why Agriculture is Important In Our Society

  1. Helpful in providing Raw materials

  • Without any raw materials, makers can’t manufacture any products. Many raw materials come directly from agriculture like lumber for construction materials, herbs for adding flavor to food, etc
  1. Encourage Economic Development

  • Agriculture affects global trade at a high scale because it directly impacts other sectors of the economy, providing job opportunities and encouraging economic development. Countries who have strong agricultural support experience growth in other sectors as well.
  1. Provision of enough food

  • Agriculture is essential for any society because it helps to feed people. When people are asked about their thinking of agriculture, they often think of farms or lands where crops are grown. In addition to that livestock such as cows, chicken and sheep etc are also raised on farms which provide an important source of food for humans.
  • Another form of agriculture, aquaculture is the farming of fish and other aquatic plants. Fish and many other aquatic animals are considered to be good sources of proteins.
  • Horticulture is another form of agriculture concerned with growth of vegetables, fruits, flowers and other ornamental plants.
  • Last but not the least, forestry is the management and conservation of trees and wildlife in forests. All these forms of agriculture ensure that everyone has access to food, regardless of where they live or their economic status.
  1. Protecting against famine

  • Agriculture is known to be important for survival because it protects against famine because if agricultural output of a land is less, there would be no food for people or animals and famine can result because of that. Therefore, even if a drought occurs or farming lands get destroyed by certain pests, farmers will already have some supply of food to feed it to their animals or people.
  1. Agriculture maintains social order

  • Another reason why agriculture is important is that it maintains social order. When everyone is dependent on one another for food and other necessities of life, a sense of cooperation develops in people and this gives people a sense of responsibility because they realize the importance of agriculture and they know that without agriculture, they won’t be able to feed people and this social order will be destroyed. Agriculture rings people together and helps form the society itself. Therefore, to make sure that people have a way to get food and other resources, everyone needs to work together as one society to sustain the agricultural land.
  1. Helps balance the ecosystem

  • Agriculture also helps in balancing the ecosystem. It can help to regulate the ecosystem because it provides food and shelter for animals, regulates water resources, and restores degraded areas.
  1. It provides employment

  • The agricultural industry is considered to be one of the biggest sources of employment. Whether it’s working as a farmer, harvester, technician for farm equipment, scientist, or any other form of employment , agriculture provides employment opportunities to a huge number of people reducing the percentage of unemployment and poverty.
  1. Food for Animals

  • Animals also get their food grown through agriculture for example fodder, silage and more and that is why agriculture is important.
  1. Provide Greener Environment

  • Agriculture can help enhance the surrounding because of utilization of natural ways to grow crops and vegetables instead of bare soil and rocks.
  1. Good for surroundings

  • Modern agriculture relies on drip irrigation and helps to conserve water. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen and help purify the air and also trap harmful toxins and pathogens in the air, thus making air pure.

Reasons Why You Should Do Water Quality Testing

Water Quality TestingDoes your drinking water have an odd taste to it? Are you prone to illness or digestive issues without any evident causes? Have you ever considered doing water quality testing? Water is a necessity for life, and as such that necessity needs to be protected. Water testing will uncover any harmful substances in your water supply and may give insight into any health issues that you are experiencing.

However, despite the importance of water quality testing, many tend to overlook testing until the damage has been done. Tiny microorganisms and substances that naturally get into a water supply may be detrimental to a person’s health. Many substances can cause digestive issues, illness, and (in some severe cases) death. The following are some points to take into account when considering water quality testing, especially geared towards those who are on the fence about scheduling a consultation.

Firstly, when deciding whether or not you should get your water supply tested, take location into account. The degree of isolation of your water source will be a deciding factor in its degree of contamination. Groundwater that is exposed to the elements and nature will tend to have a much higher count of harmful compounds than water from a deep, underground source that has less contact with contaminants on the surface. If your water source is more public than most or exposed to the elements than testing should be a priority.

Next, water testing should be a periodic concern rather than a once in a lifetime check. Water supply is an ecosystem in its own right. Thus it is a living, thriving thing that will change for the better or worse. Periodic testing will monitor those changes, tracking the growth of harmful substances and the effectiveness of water treatment. It should also be noted that while water testing is useful, it is only a small sample of a greater whole. Water is not homogeneous, meaning that water is not made up of the exact same substances throughout. Testing often will give a more comprehensive measurement, rather than a one-time sampling.

Finally, finding something in your water quality isn’t necessarily a cause for panic. Entirely pure water does not occur naturally and is only really theoretical outside of a laboratory. Some of the common substances found in water give it taste and mineral fortitude, so don’t overreact if a less than toxic substance is found. Continue with further testing and treatment to ensure that your water quality is brought up to the highest level possible. Rushing to remove a harmful substance from your water supply without taking the proper steps may cause more issues and further contamination. A rational approach will always yield the best results.

Take care of your water supply and employ periodic water testing procedures. Consuming clean water will improve your health and well being, and unhealthy water is simply too debilitating to not take steps against.…

Water Pollution in the Pacific Northwest

While water pollution may not be a significant issue to others in other parts of the world, it is considered one of the most important issues here in the Pacific Northwest. To properly understand this problem, one must first understand the causes. Some important causes of water pollution would be runoff, groundwater contamination, and the dumping of chemical waste.

In the pacific northwest, runoff is one of the main causes of pollution in water sources. Runoff is defined as rain and snow melt that runs off surfaces. In doing so, it can pick up pollution such like oil, fertilizers, waste, and other chemical products. This runoff is then carried into lakes, rivers, and eventually oceans. This is particularly harmful in Washington, as agriculture and are major industries. This means that pollutants such as waste and fertilizer can easily be picked up by runoff and pollute the water if not properly managed.
Groundwater pollution is a much lesser known cause of water pollution in the ocean specifically. This is because while it is less than one percent of the total amount of water that flows from land to sea, it can be very rich in nutrients in the pacific northwest specifically. Due to high rainfall and steep coastal ranges, groundwater in the pacific northwest is very rich in nitrates. Nitrates can contribute to algae blooms, which means that algae grows rapidly and produces a toxin. As fish and other animals consume this, it causes bioaccumulation, which leads to birds and sea lions being poisoned. Furthermore, algae blooms can take away oxygen in ocean waters that marine life need for survival. Other than the environmental factors, this also disrupts fishing industries, which is exactly what happened on the west coast a couple years ago.
Another important cause is chemical waste, which can significantly affect marine life and humans if introduced into water sources. Chemical waste is often not properly disposed of and filtered, which causes it to end up into the water supply. Especially in the Puget Sound, a sound located in the Pacific Northwest, chemical waste can often leech into the water source due to major cities not properly filtering out chemical waste.

Protecting Water Quality from Agricultural Runoff

As humans learn and advance, they discover new ways to make necessary processes more sustainable. The agricultural sector contributes to climate change, with meat production producing high levels of greenhouse gasses. However, improved practices promise to mitigate the environmental impact.

One way to do so is by protecting water quality from agricultural runoff. Pesticides and fertilizers can harm other native species and contribute to problems like excessive nutrients. Animal feces can make water sources unfit for consumption and soil erosion makes farming harder while stripping vital nutrients away from crops. Here is a further exploration of agricultural runoff’s impact on the environment and seven techniques for minimizing hazards.

How Agricultural Runoff Impacts the Environment

Multiple factors impact soil quality, affecting the number of crops flourishing and their nutritional value. One such element is pH. Runoff from pesticides and fertilizers can create overly alkaline conditions where plants fail to thrive, leading to nutrient lockout. In other cases, imbalanced pH leads to an overabundance of some minerals. This results in nutrient burn.

Furthermore, animal feces as fertilizer can contaminate soils and local waterways when they pour into them. Many programs to improve water quality in developing nations focus on human waste. However, increasing evidence suggests that mismanagement of animal waste contributes to considerable sickness, especially in areas where domestic livestock may share close quarters with humans.

Finally, agricultural runoff directly contributes to climate change. Fertilizer runoff has more nitrous oxide from farms spilling into waterways. This chemical has a warming potential approximately 300 times greater than carbon dioxide — and humans need to act now to start cooling things down, as more extreme weather patterns have already displaced many.

Methods of Protecting Water Quality From Agricultural Runoff

How can farmers protect water quality from agricultural runoff and decrease their overall carbon footprint? Here are seven methods of keeping surrounding water and soil clean when engaging in farming activities.

Reducing Pesticide Use

Have you raised eyebrows at footage of people in HAZMAT suits applying pesticides to crops? If so, you might have assumed that anything requiring such protection can harm the environment — and you’re right.

Farmers can reduce pesticide use by planting various species, focusing on those resistant to native pests. They can also use companion planting, interspersing pest-deterrent plants, like marigolds, in between their crops. Natural predators, like ladybugs and nematodes, can control harmful species, like aphids, who find many agricultural products as delicious as humans do.

Managing Irrigation Systems

A broken irrigation line might not seem like a big deal. However, it can invite environmental catastrophe if it ceaselessly rinses fertilizers and pesticides from the field into nearby rivers and streams.

Farmers should maintain their irrigation systems, performing routine inspections. They should replace any broken heads or tubing immediately and adjust their use to minimize overages that can cause runoff to leak into surrounding areas.

Conservation Tilling

Conservation tilling is any technique covering 30% or more of the surface with plants to decrease agricultural runoff. It also requires 1,000 pounds per acre throughout critical wind-erosion periods.

Conservation tilling consists of no-till techniques. It also includes in-row subsoiling, strip-tilling and ridge tilling, all designed to minimize soil loss and runoff.

Contour Farming and Terraces

Contour farming entails planting along the lay of the land, using natural hills and curves to prevent water loss. Instead of multiple straight lines, you might have crops going in various directions.

Contour farming uses gravity, placing plants with the highest water demands in the lowest-lying areas to make water use more efficient. Terraces are similar, using human-made structures to direct water flow.

Water and Sediment-Control Basins

Water and sediment-control basins conserve water and prevent runoffs by taking a structural approach. Farmers build a berm at the end of slopes to prevent water and soil from escaping. The method piles up dirt while directing water elsewhere through an underground outlet system.

Grassed Waterways

Grass protects soil from erosion and keeps those vital nutrients in the fields where they belong — not in area waterways where they contribute to cultural eutrophication. This process occurs when too many nutrients spill into lakes and ponds, causing algae blooms that suffocate the life beneath.

Grassed waterways give excess fluids somewhere to go without depleting the soil. They’re an excellent choice in places where flash flooding causes headaches.

Streambank and Shoreline Protection

Physical structures can protect streambanks and shorelines from erosion thanks to agricultural runoff. These buffer zones might consist of various trees and shrubs native to the area and hearty enough to absorb the excess.

Furthermore, ranchers can build chutes to direct livestock only to specific areas along waterways. This prohibition helps keep waste out of the water while minimizing soil disruption near the shore.

Protecting Water Quality from Agricultural Runoff

Current agricultural practices create considerable carbon emissions and contribute to global warming. They also threaten waterways, as runoff from fertilizer and pesticides can poison the precious fluid humans and animals need to drink.

Farmers can help protect water quality from agricultural runoff by employing the seven methods above. Stopping climate change takes everyone’s contribution. All people deserve water that’s safe and clean to drink.

Agricultural and Water Quality Conference

The quality of the water you consume or use in municipal or industrial processes must meet specific parameters. For instance, the EPA has set legal limits on more than 90 different contaminants that can be found in water. These limits are necessary to ensure that drinking water remains free from contaminants that could cause health issues or the development of waterborne diseases.

When it comes to industrial facilities, there are times when water must be treated to ensure that the quality is at an acceptable level for a wide range of essential processes. There are three water quality parameters that help to measure the quality of water, which include physical parameters, chemical parameters, and biological parameters. The physical parameters include color, taste, odor, temperature, turbidity, solids, and electrical conductivity.

On the other hand, chemical parameters can include pH, acidity, alkalinity, chlorine, hardness, dissolved oxygen, and biological oxygen demand. The third type of parameter involves biological parameters, which include bacteria, algae, and viruses. Water quality parameters matter because of the different requirements that applications can have.

For instance, dissolved oxygen is among the most important parameters when measuring a river’s water quality. The amount of dissolved oxygen in the water dictates how polluted the water sample is. Low amounts of dissolved oxygen indicate that the water is highly polluted and that organic contaminants are consuming the dissolved oxygen. This article offers a more in-depth explanation on the three types of water quality parameters.

Physical Water Quality Parameters


Though less used than some of the other water quality parameters on this list, turbidity refers to how cloudy water is. When you use Turbidity sensors, these devices are designed to measure the ability that light has to pass through water. High levels of turbidity can occur as a result of higher concentrations of silt, clay, and organic materials. The main issue with turbidity in water is that the water will look bad. No one wants to drink cloudy water. Several additional problems that are caused by high turbidity include:

-Water treatment costs will be higher
-High levels of particulates can act as a shield for harmful microorganisms, which makes it more difficult to get rid of these contaminants
-Suspended materials may damage fish gills, reduce growth rates, and decrease resistance to diseases
-Various suspended particles can act as adsorption media for mercury, cadmium, lead, and other heavy metals
-Dissolved oxygen concentration will likely decrease

Turbidity starts to become visible in water when sensors provide you with readings of over five NTU. As for muddy water, it can have turbidity readings of more than 100 NTU.


measuring temperature

Some of the aspects of water quality that are influenced by the water’s temperature include odors, chemical reactions, solubility, palatability, and viscosity. As such, biological oxygen demand, sedimentation, and chlorination all depend on the water’s temperature. The ideal water temperatures range from 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit.


It’s possible for the color of the water to be altered by materials that decay from organic matter, the primary of which include vegetation. Such inorganic matter as rocks, soil, and stones may also affect the color of the water. Even though these changes to a water’s color may create aesthetic issues with the water, they don’t change how the water tastes. You can effectively measure color by comparing a water sample to color glass disks or standard color solutions.

When you’re attempting to identify the color of water, it’s important to understand the difference between the water’s apparent color and its true color. Apparent color is made up of suspended material and dissolved solid colors. The true color of water can be identified after all suspended materials have been filtered out of the water. Keep in mind that color can be graded on a scale that ranges from 0-70 color units. Pure water contains no color units because it is essentially colorless.

Taste and Odor

It’s possible for the taste of water to change and for odors to develop as a result of foreign matter being introduced to the water. This matter can include organic materials, dissolved gases, and inorganic compounds. Most of this matter is derived from agricultural, natural, and domestic sources.


Solids can be in suspension or in solution when they get into the water. If you put a water sample through a glass fiber filter, suspended solids will remain at the top of this filter. On the other hand, any dissolved solids will pass through and remain in the water. When measuring the number of solids in water, it’s common for total dissolved solids to be measured. You can identify how much organic matter is present in the water by measuring for total dissolved solids. The three different water classifications for total dissolved solids include:

-Freshwater – Less than 1,500 mg/L TDS
-Brackish water – 1,500-5,000 mg/L TDS
-Saline water – More than 5,000 mg/L TDS

Electrical Conductivity

electrical conductivity

Another core physical parameter that you should be aware of involves electrical conductivity, which measures how well a sample of water or similar solution can carry or conduct electrical currents. Conductivity levels will increase as the amount of ions in the water increases.

This is one of the main parameters when measuring water quality because of how easy it is to detect water contamination levels when measuring the conductivity of water. High conductivity means that the water contains a high amount of contaminants. On the other hand, potable water and ultra-pure water are practically unable to conduct an electrical current. The main units of measurement for electrical conductivity include micromhos/cm and milliSiemens/m, the latter of which is abbreviated into mS/m.

Chemical Parameters of Water Quality


When measuring the quality of water, pH is one of the first measurements that you should take. The pH of water is measured with a simple pH sensor or test kit, which will tell you how acidic or basic the water is. Acidic water will invariably be comprised of …